Aditi Bhattacharjee
Aditi Bhattacharjee is an Indian poet who writes about female identity, myth and matrilineage. Her work appears in Lunch Ticket, Sky Island Journal, Evocations Review and elsewhere. When not writing she indulges in cooking or dabbles in Photography.
bec ritchie
bec is a queer poet from glasgow, scotland. interested in intimacies and the body, her work considers all things girly, sexy and online. her poems have been publish both here and in scotland, with her latest work forthcoming in the spring 2024 issue of the beyond queer words anthology later this month.
Javeria Hasnain
Javeria Hasnain is the author of SIN, a chapbook of poems forthcoming from Chestnut Review. She writes about girlhood and godhood as two sides of the same coin. She was born and raised in Karachi, Pakistan.
Zohreh Zadbood
Zohreh Zadbood is an Iranian writer, poet, and visual artist. She is currently working on her forthcoming novel and debut poetry collection. Recently, she celebrated the publication of a poem from this collection in the Winter issue of the Kenyon Review in 2025. With her evocative style, Zohreh explores themes of love, healing, homesickness, and self-love. This same artistic style is reflected in her photography as a visual storyteller. Through her poetic eye, she brings life to every frame, transforming everyday scenes into narratives that evoke a sense of wonder and contemplation. Her work has been featured in the Gold Issue of the Los Angeles Press and the Dreams and Nightmares exhibition at Boomer Gallery in London. Moreover her photo collection titled 'Beneath the Blooms: Capturing Nature's Delicate Splendor' was featured on the 'Elizabeth Street Garden' online platform and contributed to the cause of protecting this garden.
Kate Millar
Kate Millar is a poet, educator and music journalist from Scotland and Northern Ireland. She is most often writing about landscape, lost words, and the idea of God - but has recently been writing love poems to her friends. She is one of this year’s Scottish Young Makars, selected by the Scottish Poetry Library, with work appearing in Atwood Magazine, BOMB, Ekstasis, Gutter Magazine, and forthcoming in atmospheric quarterly and Last Stanza Poetry Journal.
María Elisa Schmidt
María Elisa Schmidt is a Mexican writer, editor, and educator who is currently researching and writing about scents and their political and cultural impact. Her poetry, fiction, and nonfiction have appeared in magazines in Mexico and Latin America. One of her biggest dreams is to launch a Creative Writing school in Mexico City and share writing tools as a means of empowerment.
Shehrbano Naqvi
Shehrbano Naqvi is a writer and teacher from Karachi, Pakistan. She is currently working on her first book that navigates her family’s journey with grief and mental health, in honor of her late brother. Traveling the world with her cat, she has performed and been published on platforms in Italy, Pakistan and US.
Bronte Heron
Bronte Heron is a poet and educator from Aotearoa (New Zealand). They are working on a collection about ecology and their sisters, and have had poems published by platforms in both the US and NZ. They are a community organizer, a dog walker, an events coordinator, a loiterer, a wannabe birder, and a fierce friend.