Used Book Buying Policy

Our buying hours are 12pm-5pm on weekdays, and 1pm-6pm on weekends. We do not accept donations, anything you bring in that we do not want will have to go back with you. Please call ahead of time if you have more than two tote bags of books you wish to sell. Do not email us photos of books. If for any reason we are not buying our usual hours, we will post on Instagram to let people know. Please check there before coming in to make sure we are buying. If there is no post, we are buying our normal hours. Thank you!

 4/30 at 7pm: Lynn Xu release party / reading for And Those Ashen Heaps That Cantilevered Vase of Moonlight from WAVE BOOKS, Joshua Edwards reading for The Double Lamp of Solitude from RISING TIDE PROJECTS / CANARIUM BOOKS


4/13 at 7pm: Book Launch for Zane Koss, Harbor Grids, published by Invisible Publishing also reading will be Urayoán Noel, MC Hyland, and Louise Akers

4/16 at 6pm: Susan-Berger Jones will be reading with Gale Batchelder, Judson Evans and Duy Doan --- CANCELLED

4/30 at 7pm: Lynn Xu release party / reading for And Those Ashen Heaps That Cantilevered Vase of Moonlight from WAVE BOOKS, Joshua Edwards reading for The Double Lamp of Solitude from RISING TIDE PROJECTS / CANARIUM BOOKS


all events start at 7pm, and end by 9:30

April 14th:            Uche Nduka, Joey Yearous-Algozin &  Alexandria Tatarsky with music  by Downtown Girls


April 28th:             Caitlyn Tella, Ted Reese, Filip Marinovich & Vlad Nahitchevansky with music by Black Hole Conspiracy


May 12th:              Claire Devoogd, Anselm Berrigan, & Harris Schiff with music by Easy Streets 

May 19th:               Jeremy Hoevenaar, Tilghman Goldsborough & Emily Simon with music by Other Arc Ensemble


May 26th:              Farnoosh Fahti, Anna Gurton-Wachter & Yuko Otomo with music by Ghost Shepherds


June 2nd:                Nora Treatbaby, Chuks Ndulue, Matvei Yankelevich, & Carol Mirakove with music by Penultimate       


June 16th:              David Brazil, Kendra Sullivan, Zoe Tuck & Rebecca Positively Posner with music by Other Arkestra


June 30th.              Greetings Jam