Used Book Buying Policy
Dear Warriors of Change:
Dear (inter)Nation(al) of Poetry:
He swaps spit with degraded language mixing with diversified peoples amid an urban landscape In fragmentary & privileged ways but always with a sense of lust for the other dimension.
Remotely Personal GREETINGS FALL 2020 Lineup
The second half of the Greetings Readings Series’ 21st Season begins with the widespread nostalgia for the prior normal as the new normal continues to keep us from congregating in the wonderful backyard white rock garden of Unnameable Books, 600 Vanderbilt Ave., in Brooklyn. The upside is that now we’re able to invite poets far outside the five boroughs of New York City to read with us, expanding our community while most of us remain in the comfort of our homes. In attempting to adjust to the new parameters for social & literary interaction we’ve been graced with poets from all around the country participating in Remotely Personal Greetings for the second season in a row. All events start at 9:30pm E.S.T. with a meet n’ greet. Performances begin shortly thereafter and audience members will have a password emailed to them that evening allowing them to log on to our Zoom handle and both be seen (if they choose) & listen in on the many terrific readings scheduled. All performances are free.
1. October 1 … Gabrielle Civil, Andrew Choate, & Filip Full Moon Marinovich
2. October 15 … Farnoosh Fahti, Eddie Berrigan, Michelle Whittaker, & Sheryl Holland
3. October 29 … Jackson Meazle, Wanda Phipps, Tongo Eisen-Martin & Lillian Bertram
4. November 5 … Rae Armantrout, Carla Harryman, Anna Gurton-Wachter, & Lena Rose Impellizzeri Weiss-Walker
5. November 19… Sara Larsen, Jeremy Kennedy, Joyelle McSweeny & Rod Roland
6. December 3… Danielle Dutton, Peter Bushyeager, Darcie Dennigan & Dana Burns
7. December 17… Aditi Machado, Don Yorty & Eli Briskin
Thank you all so much for your gracious support of Unnameable Greetings Readings in the past! Hope to see as many old & new faces during this upcoming season. If any other information is needed please email Jeffrey Joe or Jed Shahar:
Franklin Park Reading Series
We hope you're doing well in these transformative times! Tonight at the Virtual Franklin Park Reading Series, we're thrilled to present acclaimed debut authors Gabriel Bump (Everywhere You Don't Belong) and poet Malcolm Tariq (Heed the Hollow), along with two favorite FP alums, Deb Olin Unferth (Barn 8) and Clare Beams (The Illness Lesson). They'll be joining our host Marae Hart, a SLICE Magazine editor and New York Writers Coalition Workshop leader, for a night of coming-of-age stories.
We’ll be broadcasting on Zoom, and you can register here.
Books for sale:
Franklin Park Reading Series Online
Unnameable Books is currently closed! We love you, we miss you, and we hope to see you again soon. We promise to reopen when it becomes safe to do so.
Meanwhile, you can buy gift certificates for future use at or by sending us money via Paypal (
As thanks for your support in these difficult times we are including a 20% BONUS on all gift certificates (like, $100 will get you a $120 gift certificate)! Let us know if you are buying a gift certificate for a friend.
Stay safe, keep well, be kind, and read books.
[4/2] Remote Greetings w/ Sparrow, Silvina Lopez Medin & Sarah Sala
Dear Selfless Quarantines:
[March 26] Marinovich // Poirier // Mathews // OAE
Unnameable Books is closed at the moment but the poetry continues!
Please join us for the Season Opener of GREETINGS
with Filip Marinovich, Julien Poirier, Alyssa Mathews & music by Other Arc Ensemble
in a normal year we would be discussing whether this could better happen in a warming backyard or a cosy basement, but this year the answer is wherever you find yourself safely separated and with internet access.
please check back here for url info and the confirmed start time as Julien will be joining us from the west coast.
[March 11] Ostups // Turovskaya // Gulian
Wednesday, March 11
A reading with poets from Latvia, Ukraine, and Armenia.
Latvian poet Artis Ostups in a rare US appearance, and celebrating Genya Turovskaya's new book from Black Square. Wine and such will be provided.
Anahit Gulian, born in Armenia in 1989, is a writer and artist living in the orange shadows of New York City. She is one half of Imp Books and sings in the band Nandas. Her fiction has appeared in The Brooklyn Rail, Dizzy Magazine, and The Recluse; her drawings have appeared in NUTS! Magazine, Never Sit, the internet, and the covers of chapbooks and records.
Artis Ostups is the author of the poetry collections Comrade Snow (Biedrs Sniegs), Photography and Scissors (Fotografija un škeres), and Gestures (Žesti). In addition to poetry, he writes literary criticism. He is a researcher at the Institute of Literature, Folklore, and Art and the founder and editor-in-chief of the online magazine Punctum. His work has been translated into English, German, French, Russian, Lithuanian, Slovenian, and Croatian.
Genya Turovskaya is a poet, translator, and psychotherapist. She is the author of The Breathing Body Of This Thought (Black Square Editions), as well as the chapbooks Calendar (UDP), The Tides (Octopus Books), New Year’s Day (Octopus Books), and Dear Jenny (Supermachine). Her poetry and translations of contemporary Russian poets have appeared in A Public Space, Asymptote, Chicago Review, Conjunctions, Fence, jubilat, Octopus, PEN Poetry, Sangam Poetry, Seedings, The Elephants, and other publications. She is the translator of Aleksandr Skidan’s Red Shifting (UDP), co-translator of Elena Fanailova's Russian Version (UDP), and co-translator of Arkadii Dragomoshchenko’s Endarkenment: Selected Poems (Wesleyan). She has received a MacDowell Colony Fellowship, a Montana Artist Refuge Fellowship and a Witter Bynner Translation Residency at Santa Fe Art Institute.
[March 6] Lance Olsen: My Red Heaven
Friday, March 6th
Please join us as Lance Olsen reads from his latest novel, MY RED HEAVEN (Dzanc Books, 2020)! The evening will also feature Lance in conversation with author Peter Wortsman.
Set on a single day in Golden Twenties Berlin, MY RED HEAVEN imagines a host of various historical or imagined figures moving through the city, like Robert Musil, Otto Dix, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Oskar Kokoschka, Vladimir Nabokov, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Käthe Kollwitz, Arnold Schönberg, Alban Berg, and Rosa Luxemburg. And several ghosts!
Drawing inspiration from Otto Freundlich’s painting by the same name, Lance Olsen’s My Red Heaven explores a complex moment in history: the rise of deadly populism at a time when everything seemed possible and the future unimaginable.
Lance Olsen is author of thirteen novels, one hypermedia text, five nonfiction books, five short-story collections, a poetry chapbook, and two anti-textbooks about experimental writing, as well as editor of two collections of essays about innovative contemporary fiction. Recipient of numerous awards, he teaches experimental narrative theory and practice at the University of Utah.
Peter Wortsman is the author of A Modern Way to Die, Footprints in Wet Cement, The Tattooed Man Tells All, Burning Words, Ghost Dance in Berlin: A Rhapsody in Gray, Cold Earth Wanderer, and Stimme und Atem / Out of Breath.
This event is free and open to the public.
[Feb 15] Boog City 13.5
In just XX days, on Sat., Feb. 15 and Sun. Feb. 16, we'll be celebrating our annual
It will feature 29 poets; 7 musical acts; 3 poets theater plays; 1 collaborative poetry, dance, and music performance; 1 Poetry Talk Talk; and 1 short film over the two days.
Saturday will be at Unnameable Books in Brooklyn, Sunday cross the river to the Bowery Poetry Club
And here's who put together Welcome to Boog City 13.5: David Kirschenbaum is the festival director and helped book the poets with Ron Kolm. Todd Carlstrom booked the music.
Among the festival highlights are:
—Poetry Talk Talk, featuring Joanna Fuhrman and Jean-Paul Pecqueur reading and in conversation
—our 13th Poets' Theater event
—the debut of Matt Kohn's film Descrapulation
—for its 25th anniversary, a live performance of Elastica’s eponymous debut album
—The Cut-Outs (Matisse): An afternoon of collaborative poetry (Bob Holman), dance (Molissa Fenley), and music (Keith Patchel and Alan Grubner)
The full schedule for the event, followed by performer bios and websites, is available on the FB event page:
[Feb 11] Sinton/Housle/Ilgenfritz 3-o, Robbie Lee solo
Robbie Lee - solo woodwinds
Josh Sinton - baritone saxophone
James Ilgenfritz - bass
Rachel Housle - drums
[Feb 6] Indoor Pool
[Feb 7] Julia Bloch & Jennifer Firestone
Julia Bloch is a poet, scholar, and author of three books of poetry, Letters to Kelly Clarkson, a finalist for the Lambda Literary Award, Valley Fever, and The Sacramento of Desire, each from Sidebrow Books. Her scholarly essays and reviews have appeared in Journal of Modern Literature, Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature, The Volta, and elsewhere, and she is working on a critical monograph about lyric theory and the North American long poem. Julia received a BA in political philosophy at Carleton College, an MFA in creative writing at Mills College, and a PhD in English literature at the University of Pennsylvania. Her awards and honors include the San Francisco Foundation’s Joseph Henry Jackson Literary Award and a Dean’s Award for Distinguished Teaching. She has previously taught at Bard College and Mills College and is currently Director of the Creative Writing Program at the University of Pennsylvania. In 2017, she was awarded a Pew Fellowship by the Pew Center for Arts & Heritage. She is on Twitter @julivox.

[Feb 8] William T. Vollmann Changed My Life
"William T. Vollmann Changed My Life" – a Book Launch Party / Reading Event for Conversations with William T. Vollmann (University Press of Mississippi, 2020) – will be a gathering of Vollmann scholars, critics, readers - as well as contributors to the book. The evening will be a chance for Vollmann readers and fans to discuss what his writing means to them and how it has affected their lives, and to meet each other, connect, and exchange ideas about all things Vollmann.
Participants include:
Jordan Rothacker, Jimmy Cline, RV Branham, Michael Coffey, Ted Hamilton, Donna Seaman, Liz Fried, Marco Malvestio, Steven Ross, Bryan Santin, Madison Smartt Bell, Matthew Thompson, Miles Liebtag.
About the book:
Across fiction, journalism, ethnography, and history, William T. Vollmann’s oeuvre—which includes a “prostitution trilogy,” a septology (Seven Dreams) about encounters between first North Americans and European colonists, and a more-than-three-thousand-page philosophical treatise on violence—is as ambitious as it is dazzling. Conversations with William T. Vollmann collects twenty-nine interviews, from early press coverage in Britain where his career first took flight, to in-depth visits to his writing and art studio in Sacramento, California.
Throughout these conversations, Vollmann (b. 1959) speaks with candor and wit on such subjects as grief and guilt in his work, his love of guns and his experience of war, the responsibilities of the artist as witness, the benefits of looking out into the world beyond the confines of one’s horizon, the limitations of what literature can achieve, and how we can speak to the future. Bringing to the fore several expanded, unpublished, and hard-to-find interviews, this volume offers a valuable set of perspectives on a uniquely rewarding and sometimes overwhelming writer. On the road promoting his books or in a domestic setting, Vollmann comes across as reflective and humane, humble in his craft despite deep dedication to his uncompromising vision, and ever armed with a spirit of mischief and capacity to shock and unsettle the reader.
[Jan 18, Saturday] La Esquina Open Mic
Join us for the the premiere of a new series presented to you by The Titere Poets: La Esquina Open Mic!
Come through! Bring your poetry! Bring your stories! Bring your songs!
When you join us for La Esquina there will be a few requirements:
- All ages
- Be respectful to all those in attendance
- Open Mic sign-up sheet opens at 7p sharp & closes by 7:30p. If you come later than 7:30 you will be put on a waitlist.
- Each participant will be given 3 minute to perform a single piece to give everyone a chance to read!
- Please take the opportunity to explore the amazing Unnameable Books hosting this event!
Featured Readers:
Thomas Fucaloro The winner of a performance grant from the Staten Island Council of the Arts and the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs, Thomas Fucaloro has been on six national slam teams. He holds an MFA in creative writing from the New School and is a co-founding editor of Great Weather for Media and NYSAI press. He is an adjunct professor at Wagner College and BMCC where he teaches courses, "Poetry and Protest", "The Art of The Found Poem" and "Poetry and Comic books. His latest chapbook, “There is Always Tomorrow” was released in 2017 by Mad Gleam Press.
Sarah Serrano-Esquilin is a Puerto Rican poet, visual artist, art therapist-in-training, and special educator. Her work has been featured in galleries, print, and digital platforms. Sarah is a Vona and Highlights magazine alumna. She is a professional haikuist, and has performed and written for celebrities, NYFW, DKNY, Forbes, and more. Please check her out via her website:
Free to the Public
This event will be held at Unnameable Books, which is located in Prospect Heights at 600 Vanderbilt Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11238.