Julia Bloch is a poet, scholar, and author of three books of poetry, Letters to Kelly Clarkson, a finalist for the Lambda Literary Award, Valley Fever, and The Sacramento of Desire, each from Sidebrow Books. Her scholarly essays and reviews have appeared in Journal of Modern Literature, Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature, The Volta, and elsewhere, and she is working on a critical monograph about lyric theory and the North American long poem. Julia received a BA in political philosophy at Carleton College, an MFA in creative writing at Mills College, and a PhD in English literature at the University of Pennsylvania. Her awards and honors include the San Francisco Foundation’s Joseph Henry Jackson Literary Award and a Dean’s Award for Distinguished Teaching. She has previously taught at Bard College and Mills College and is currently Director of the Creative Writing Program at the University of Pennsylvania. In 2017, she was awarded a Pew Fellowship by the Pew Center for Arts & Heritage. She is on Twitter @julivox.

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