GREETINGS 11/10/22 7:00 PM

Dear No Longer Deer in the Headlights: Please join us as our protean houseband introduces 3 wonderful poets this Thursday, November 10th, at 7:00pm.

Once again, Unnameable (615 Vanderbilt Ave , near the corner of St. Marks) Books is our gracious host . We'll join with the bushes, fencing, lights, concrete and avian luminaries to enjoy 3 terrific poets & the opening music of Downtown Girls with special guest Tetya Motts:

Cliff Fymanpratices the life of the pome everyday whether driving the cab or watching the knickerbockers, the park across the way, the falling leaves, the way a syllable lodges in the throat, nylon sunlight against the wall with the sun at its strongest when the ground is covered in leaves or snow or poems.
Garrett CaplesKnows about the extrasensory wires that connect us beyond the ying & yang of politics or genetics, a poet equally at home with the Faces as he is the many faces of hip-hop visiting from the area of the Bay to flip the switch on the city of lights

Wendy Xu- Like many of us, is a charter member of the past forming into the present moment, an acknowledgment that both she & us are not dead but becoming a somewhere quicker than the wind can wipe our name off the surface of the river

The Dan Veksler Experience has been known far & wide to ford rivers, cross mountains, echo philosophical brickbats across great divides, bandy randy tales around campfires, inflate dirigibles and stop prude technocrats in mid keyboard strike - yezzzz, so bring yr evening attire & leave yr galoshes at home as Dan brings his wry wit & geetar to the Greetings whet stone

Drunken Lovers of Tomorrow are a band of troubadour poets who translate their poems into long jams both ethereal & gnostically inclined like a bean curd sandwich inside a deli's plate glass facade each of them musically omnivorous like Galactus without the superpowers each one a grain of sand in the overall schema of future cocktails like skates on the ice of lovers

This event is free. The meet n greet begins at 7:00 as the band plays with the call & response of the wind & ambient street / sky noise. We plan to commence the series at 7:30 sharp with a quick hello, followed by the introduction to the 1st poet/ performer.

Please keep in mind that this Thursday November 10th calls for lots of sun (64 during the sunshine) but it will get chillier especially as the day turns to the magic hour and evening's cloak falls over our shoulders.. So don't be afraid of your Autumn Sweaters or come without shirt sleeves, the backyard does not discriminate tho 54 is predicted for the evening!

There is limited seating in the new backyard (about 30 seats). There is no basement reading space - so if the weather turns to rain we will have to huddle inside - or cancel - more on that if it becomes a necessity; however the cast of the fore bodes well for night lows to mid 50's so dress as you see fit. As always we look forward to seeing old & new faces.

Listen for the bang of the drum or the rattle-shake of the chekere.

X's to your O's,
Jeffrey Joe

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