Dear (inter)Nation(al) of Poetry:

Remotely Personal Greetings is hosting its 4th remote event of the Fall 2020 season, and perhaps by the time we convene over Zoom we'll have something to celebrate concerning this achingly nerve wrenching National Presidential Season- I sure hope so...and most likely these 4 fabulous poets do too, so please tune in Thursday, November 5th at 9:00 PM EST ( 8:00 CST, 7:00 MST, 6:0PST, 5:00AST, 4:00 HST) to hear four voices celebrating / inciting longed-for change 

Rae Armantrout Rae knows it is not easy to find truth these days, but it’s dangerous to stop trying. What we see, hear, read all must be weighed & challenged: some like Rae make the most of the challenge through their poetry.  So Conjure the change you seek as you listen to her work & look away from these myriad faces into a blank space of your own, Wobbling a bit in the darkness of Itself, knowing you are not alone.

Anna Gurton-Wachter -   First of all don’t double cross Anna or you may wind up with a bad-good case of Annaness, a syndrome the Russians are only now too-late realizing may be a real detriment to the future of capitalism: The Way She Feels in her Utopian New Rules, a true believer in a conduit of exceedingly brilliant orange that settles in wonderfully after a hard rain, leaving you feeling Simply Grand.

Carla Harrymanknows writing is an anti-authoritarian elsewhere knocking up against the abrasive here to punch a hole in NOW.  A bubble can leak but writing can patch the seams where Troll reality seeps thru & so the relationship of History to Now is volatile & ever-changing, a conversation with terror, plenitude & hope. Writing is an aspect of conversation as conversation is an aspect of writing, so by all means feel free to join the conversation via these pomes.

Lena Rose-Walker -   knows that letting go of your job, apartment, relationship & city can be just the thing you need to do, necessitating a larger letting go, abandoning a shit ton of delusion to collide with one another to form a lexical lasagna where interior language does not support exterior experience as yet, and yet they become garbled together in a delicious poetry cuisine saving us from Troll night, savoring our melodious differences. 
As last Season an email detailing the Zoom log-in info will be sent to guests an hour or two beforehand. Once you log-on there will be a short wait while your email is verified. The "live" event will begin at 9:00 EST with a brief meet n' greet, followed by the convocation, leading us to the 1st reader of the evening. 

And please don't forget to support UNNAMEABLE BOOKS the amazing book store who is our live host! You can find them here at 600 Vanderbilt Avenue in Brooklyn's Burgeoning Prospect Heights 11-7 most days (but not Tuesdays)... 2 customers at a time or go to to purchase the latest, greatest & past books from these fantastic poets

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